BEdita 3.6.0 Corylus Release announcement and new website

BEdita 3.6.0 codename "corylus" released and new website

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of BEdita 3.6.0 corylus*.

The 3.6 series replaces 3.5 introducing a bunch of new features, solving security issues and bugs. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this last stable version.

Main changes are:

  • introduced support for RESTful API in frontend app. Now you can setup your frontend to respond as a REST API server in no time.
  • frontends use “hreflang” attribute in <link> HTML header tag to mark available translations and use different urls for content translations
  • introduced a powerful dynamic callbacks system #470
  • improved the shell script (./ data help) to export/import complex data following a data transfer serialized format (json and xml supported). UI to port export/import functionality in backend is work in progress. Some parts are already released but are to consider as an alpha and incomplete version.
  • fix some XSS security issues. Many thanks to Sebastien Morin to report it!
  • redesigned exceptions and errors handling #570
  • added memcache support for object cache #720
  • new and improved detail page for Publication and Section in Publication module #504
  • added the ability to update backend, frontends and modules versioned under git or svn from Admin module #485
  • new addons structure #717
  • added id/nickname direct lookup #611
  • Audio and Video are now embedded using HTML5 video player video.js
  • Image thumbnails now support quality and interlace property via BeEmbedMedia helper

As usual all changes are listed in the changelog

New Website

A revamped website is now up and running! It has a more modern and polished design that apply responsive techniques so it is available from any device.

Explore and follow BEdita also on:

(*) “corylus” is a genus of deciduous trees and large shrubs native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere.

